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Large corms produce superior flowers. Plant in the Fall in zones 6 (mulched) and higher for the earliest blooms. Protect from too much Winter rain as that will rot the corms. Can also be planted in the very early Spring (zone 6 and above) as soon as the ground can be worked. If you like to pre-sprout Ranunculus for early blooms, purchase now and store the corms over Winter in a dry area that is not freezing. Ranunculus needs a cold period of 2-3 months (depending on the variety) to initiate blooming. If it is too hot when they are planted, they will stay dormant. The Amandine series are later bloomers and have greater heat tolerance. They multiply easily and are great in containers. These are chosen for their strong, long stems and make excellent cut flowers with a very long vase life. An exceptional Spring flower.
Check the tab on Flower Care for planting instructions.