Calla Lilies 

Open now for pre ordering with shipping/delivery in April and May

Although not considered true lilies, the calla lily is an extraordinary flower. This beautiful plant, available in a multitude of colors, grows from rhizomes and is ideal for use in beds and borders. You can also grow calla lilies in containers, either outdoors or in a sunny window as houseplants. They make excellent cut flowers. Very easy to grow, they need minimal attention. Plant in well draining soil in full sun or partial shade in the early Spring. Lift in the Fall after the first frost in zones 7 and above. Can be left in the ground in zones 8 to 10 as long as there is no chance the rhizomes will freeze. Keep the soil moist while they are growing. You will get up to 10 stems on a single rhizome and the flowers last for many weeks.


Cream throat with violet-magenta edging similar to painting brush strokes.  Thick gorgeous leaves with some spots.

3 rhizomes same variety              $29


Pure white large blooms with a slight ruffle at the top.  Thick leaves with some spots.

3 rhizomes same variety              SOLD OUT


Gold throat gradually changing to orange, darker towards the edges.  Thick dark green leaves with no spots.

3 rhizomes same variety              $29